Some 'badi' saaave mee *angelic shmyle"

I guess most people wouldn’t have guessed it but I have the damsel in distress syndrome. What the fuck is that you ask? Well, I might appear to be independent and strong and all that shit (at least they say so, I have no clue as to why, and tough talk has nothing to do with being tough!) but I am the kind of girl that when the going gets tough… I get going… to the nearest Prince Charming!
Lah dee dah… typical na? Oh well… I do seem to run into the arms of the nearest dearest savior around every single time that my heart gets broken.
Or I could take the more naïve… or more optimistic (depending on your personal level of cynicism I suppose) approach and think of it as God always keeps a guardian angel by my side when I’m alone… In a sense maybe it’s like that, maybe I just fall into a trap, when I could easily turn it into a positive thing…
Just as always… I have had my heart broken… and as always… (Surprise surprise), I stumbled across my hero for the moment… but I’m not running this time… I’m running far away…
Why? Time and again but the heart has a permanent crack, which just won’t go away.


Anonymous said...

i dint get 50% of what you just said. but u seems like a simple, but strong gal.

version said...

Nice post :D:D:D

Anonymous said...

there has GOT to be a world for you..

Thom said...

i certainly hope there is...
n mr blogged... thanks...

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