1. Differentiate between friends, potential lovers and stuff like that. There can be no inbetweens.
2. Do not keep your lenses on for weeks even though its easy. Or prepared to be BLIND for a day or two.
3. MISS CALL MESSAGES are from people who are not willing to spend a dime on you. There is no such thing as BUSY - it's too busy for you.
4. If you don't have the rights, they can steal your ideas. And it is no use bitching about it, coz no one will believe you anyway.
5. Tea is better than coffee, and easier to make, serves the same purpose.
6. Increasing the volume does not strengthen your point.
7. Honesty is NOT always the best policy, especially around LIARS.
8. Appreciate whoever bothers to give a damn. Tell the critics to fuck themselves.
9. When you do something stupid, laugh about it instead of making up lame excuses. People are too polite to say so, but they do notice.
10. If he likes you, you wont like him. If you like him, he wont like you. Simply avoid the whole thing instead.
11. Have no pity for mosquitoes, roaches and fruit flies (poop flies either)
12. Do not tell your Mom about your boyfriend's tiny fuck ups. She will NEVER forgive him.
13. Drinking cold coffee is tolerable, but don't let your tea get cold!
14. Getting drunk is called so coz people are not in their senses, and they are not necessarily telling the truth!
15. When people are in love, its the same as being drunk - they don't make no sense either.


Anonymous said...

kewl scene

Ameer said...

Rai i must say all these things r a 110% true!! it really is...and its about time that we all realizd this...:)

Anonymous said...

15 is so not true! *hmpf*

Iya said...

i CANT agree with #5 and #13.

nice post! i absolutely love it. hope u "realize" some more things soon.

[da one & only mt] said...

cool stuff. best one for me was number 1! :D n oh yeah, 9 too! :D

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