Studious People...

Knowledge is a funny thing isn't it. Some people learn for the sake of earning... and some do it because they want to achieve fame and success... very few actually learn for the sake of learning, because they enjoy what they learn every day. Or maybe, we don't actually ever end up studying what truly motivates us. See, I'm headed towards an LLB that I don't even want to do. Whereas, whenever I sit in a literature or journalism class, I'm there because I absolutely want to be there.
Yeah, it's pretty nerdy, but I have always loved reading, writing, learning languages. I don't mind a bit of history, a bit of psychology, hell - writers/journalists are a bit of a jack of all trades. In the sense; they need to understand the jargon and really get the gist of well, everything! I have fun dissecting Shakespeare and applying language symbolism into say, a marketing/advertisement campaign. I know it's utterly ridiculous to many people but I love everything to do with language - learning, teaching and application.
I honestly believe that few people respect knowledge in its purest form. Walk into a social setting; say a bar for instance. People interact, meet and build relationships in places like this, all over the world. When you first meet someone, it is very likely you would end up on a semi-personal topic like work, studies and interests. People are not always inclined to be honest, I myself have been from stay at home Mom to Company Lawyer - it's a interesting kick to fit into a new role for just a night. Playing pretend perhaps? The adult way.
In any case you would at least have observed such interactions and what words are exchanged. Have you notice how different the reactions can be when someone is introduced to a lawyer as opposed to an actress? It's social stereotyping I guess. How bizzare does I have a MD in classic Greek literature actually sound? People do study it though, but you are most inclined to chuckle - what are you going to do with THAT on your CV right? Yet the institution of education is as old has humanity itself. For all these many centuries knowledge has been recognized and respected for what it is, a collection of information and skills in an area of expertise or many areas of expertise. Where on earth is this way of thinking, how come we don't practise it anymore? Education is the right of every living human and one must learn to respect the virtues and the talents of others.


Anonymous said...

i think appreciation for those diciplines is hard to come by ...
may be its a be one to appreciate one kinda thing ...
i do respect the greek and their lit ...
but i wudnt laugh at u if u told me that u had an MD in under water bomb diffusion ...
but i wud ask u switch countries if u wanna get paid good ...
hehe ...

Samahath Ibrahim said...

hm... don't know about everyone but I'd love to meet an MD in classic Greek

Thom said...

Yeah, I think I would too.
The point Subcorpus, I was trying to make was that we make such a big deal out of studying for economic need... just saying there is more to it, least for me :)

LIL GIRL said...

yeahh! i toootallly agree wit u!!!!

Iya said...

interesting that the public place u refer to is a bar... *winkwink* errmm.. ... not that i know wat it wud look like... *ahem* moving on..

its a very nice post... although an MD in greek literature while sounding awesome, is actually useless in THIS hell hole. although. i DO have this keen interest in greek mythology.

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