Lurve, Lurve me do!

So I feel like continuing the oh-so-damned tagging :P and finishing up with the 3 things I love as directed by foniboki...

3 things I totally love...
1.My baby sister (Ok, not a 'thing' but you know)
2.My best friends
3.My guitar

To regular blogging again;
I don't like secrecy or suprises. I feel like I'm being conned in some sorta wierd conspiracy whenever something like that is going on. Maybe I'm just extra ordinarily inquisitive a.k.a insecure... :P Whatever it is, it is just not something I like at all.
My old friend is crashing with me this weekend while my sis is busy tanning her lil butt in Penang... It's fun, we get to catch up on really old times and sort out lotsa lil confusions. Last night we went to watch the movie Transformers and it was wicked... I swear, that yellow Camaron is such a turn on!!!
The shots are beautiful, effects are damn cool and the plot is totally shit - it IS based on a cartoon after all, but you know the whole thing is so fantastic you just don't care either... AAAH, it was a good movie. And I was making fun of the whole thing all this time, saying it was for all the lil boys who just won't grow up... There is this HOT military guy in it too...and the heroine is hot too... infact the hero is the only real GEEK :P in the whole thing...
I swear though, the whole thing centrals around an ad in Ebday?? Gimme a break. And the world is under seige but America is the first place they wanna play around with? Ello? I mean DUH, the Japanese are just too technologically advanced and shit like that so aliens what, prefer to be around the idiots of the world?? :/ Didn't like that part, but yeah... it's HOLLYWOOD.


[da one & only mt] said...

ehentha? oola i havnt watched transformers yet. n btw, the 3 'thngs' u luv part is nice :)

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