Fanatic about Fanatics

Maldivians come up with a lot of bullshit on a daily basis… have a conversation with anyone… look up the history (if you can call it that)… you could be talking about Rannamaari, it could be the excuse the dude is giving to his girlfriend, the speech at Friday prayers… the last DRP meeting… the latest Anni speech.. Bottom line - whatever it is, you can be sure that it’s at least 99% pure BULLSHIT. In a country where the closest thing to a cow you can get is beef from ‘Fantasy’ (that sounds so fucked up …) that’s really saying something…: P

Lately though, of all the nonsense we’ve been fed since we were poor hapless young ‘uns in primary school….what really got me huffin’ and puffin’ has to be the ever miraculous – JUDGEMENT DAY… Yeah I get how this can be a sensitive topic but hello… this has to be the only country on the planet that can find a connection between the end of the world and white walls! How friggin’ absurd is that? I mean I get the justification behind hell and heaven and rules of society and sin and all that… may not all compute, but anyone can see why this sort of philosophy has to exist… but seriously... Do we really need the idiotic details like people having to fuck all over the roads and buildings having to be tall?

I mean really… how sad is that… do we really have nothing better to do but fabricate a load of cock to make ourselves better about the fact that we have no idea where our lives are going and let’s face it… no one in the world would even notice if we disappeared? Think about it… Should we be wasting our money draping curtains all over us or should we be thinking about the fact that we’re probably going to be under water in the next ten years…? Aha! See?

Its ridiculous… our country is so completely fucked up in economics, education, population control, infrastructure, the ruling party, justice system… you name it baby, we’ve screwed it up!!! So what do we do?? We make our selves feel better by diving into deeper into fanaticism?? I totally get how religion makes us feel more secure and gives us reason for living, motivates us... blah blah blah... Fine... But hey… let me just give you an example…

I know someone who has recently migrated over to the side of *ahem* no return... if you know what I mean, ... But they are expecting a little one again... So they asked for some stuff to be sewn... and get this... Apparently there should be no living organisms depicted on the cloth, no human faces or animals or butterflies... Or flowers…no stars even! I mean, hey I can understand (although I will laugh at you anyway) why you might not want dolls and teddies... (Under the whole Buddha alhukan kurun idiotic rationalization) but please… you’re talking about a baby!!! And I know too many people who wont even let a three year old or two year old wear anything above their ankles!!! They're just toddlers????!!!! 'Aura' hasn't even happened yet??????? And try finding anything for a baby without a flower or a star or a teddy bear... Please, buying her a Barbie will not make her Buddhist or Hindu, I ASSURE YOU!!!! Guess who’s off the gift list eh?

What kind of pathetic idiotic rationalisations do people like this come up with??? I know, I know, I’ve migrated from blogging to ranting… but it’s fucking frustrating… shouldn’t people be pushing for a better education system and at least safe streets for their kids rather than become Al Qaeda wanna-bes?
Another thing... if Adam and Eve were educated about the world and animals and everything... Please explain to me why in so many millions of years... it is only now that we have electricity and plumbing and political institutions?? Do not start telling me that it was primitive before because between Parliamentary Members fingering the press and having entire channels dedicated to observing the lives of rich folks and pigging out at Mc D’s …

Please… you would’ve thought that they’d come up with condoms at least a hundred thousand years ago. Then, maybe we’d have a better situation today? Yes? I fail to see much of a progress.

The fuck? And I’ll probably get called some Satanic shit for saying so… but excuse me for wishing my country was less than a shit hole!
Religion is a whole friggin’ industry nowadays… hey hey, who would listen to the Islamic Democratic Party if they didn’t feel some sort of guilt … they associate with themselves with Islam… every Maldivian finds it mandatory to be a Muslim (I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong… it’s one thing to be born into a muslim family… but it’s an entirely different thing to be thrown in jail for merely contemplating the thought of a different lifestyle!).. anyway.. the point is that since they are directly associated with the religion itself, just about everyone finds themselves guilty as hell (giggle) for not paying attention to them.. see? Very smart of them… nothing to do with respecting faith whatsoever though. Even Barack Obama is scared shitless of being called a muslim see???? Religion whatever it may be… is very little to do with faith… and everything to do with perception and propaganda … at least in these times… Imagine the amount of money people make out of religious books, and campaigns… and selling certain things…. *whew*… its about principles and beliefs? Uh uh… the Dalai Lama for example.. is so friggin’ profiting off it’s celebrity spokespeople and what not… shit just isn’t shit in this world… it’s got a lot of other things to it… Btw.. have you heard about the Pope wearing Oscar de la Renta?? Shit’s even getting fashionable these days ;)

Wow… I should unload more often…. See?? This nonsense is what happens when I don’t blog enough! Anyway… it remains to be seen whether white walls make much of a difference… perhaps the world remains in the hands of the architects then? Heck maybe the Rannamaari will be back from the dead? I have to say, wouldn’t surprise me ;) maybe we’ll have to offer adolescent boys this time… Interesting thought hm?

Before I sign off... thanks people (you know who you are!!!!) for wanting me to blog ;)


Monkey said...

hehe you still got it :P

organisied religion = corrupt propaganda bullshit.

easy to say i know but true dho in most cases.

The Shadowrunner said...

This is why I'm against organised religion. Bravo!.

Iya said...

its always nice to see someone unload.

makes me wanna rant too. hhehehehehe

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