Show them the light...

Early hours of today, I have crawled back into a whole from within which I do not particularly wish to extradite myself. So I shall remain here. And reflect on the lack of light...
A friend of mine commented on vanity today. To an extent it did irritate me, although I pretended to be in her favor - that too simply because I was too tired to be a bitch. So what if someone has a lot of profile pictures or display pictures, who cares? Could be that she enjoys playing around with pictures , yeah maybe she is trying to snag a hot guy... so what, is that like a crime? And what business is it of me or my friends anyway? Both of us do the same thing... hypocritical eh? Well...
I have a lot of pictures of me in my files... I like to 'switcheroo' them around on msn from time to time... it's not because I particularly like myself, its because I have a fascination with photography and shit like that and no one else will let me edit their pictures and display my works... so I think of me as my own canvas... :S in the sense, there's no one to complain eh?
The lack of light in everyone's light I suppose.
And then you have these stupid forums and groups and shit where Maldivians post their neighbors pictures. Good lord, it's like Desperate HomeBoys. All these people who don't get no action or wish they were anything like these chicks post shit about the most well known chicks in Male'... The fuck??? Get a life, seriously... Chicks who write about chicks are the most pathetic of them all. It's all male propaganda to put women 'in their place' you know, people died for you to have the fucking right to fucking vote and you just want to drive us back to kitchens and aprons and being a fucking "garbage can" for men to rid themselves of their bodily fluids???
Thats so fucking lame... you should be fighting for the right to wear whatever you want, do whatever you want and for men to not have the right to say a fucking thing because certainly they have their right to do so. Instead you whores do nothing but fuck around and bitch about anyone who is confident enough to not be a hypocrite to society. You can sit home if you please, I respect that but no one is better than anyone on any level so do not be that low... sure you have the right to speak your mind but what good are you doing if you are not doing so intelligently? You're playing right into the hands of all the men who label us and stereotype us. Be yourself, and accept differences and live your life, let live everyone else their lives as well.
There is so much wrong in Maldives!


LIL GIRL said...

great post! coudnt agree wit u moree!! u hav spited out everytin i wana say.. nothn left. hehe. gud1

Anonymous said...

i agree.there r so many fucked up maldivians n they hav no idea

Thom said...

thanks :)

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