From the character Beverly Clark played by actress Susan Sarandon in the movie 'Shall We Dance?' is a quote that comes across to me as somewhat profound but at the same time very simple and possibly believeable...
Why people get married...
Why people can't enjoy being single.. (actually, why I cannot maybe)
Why people need children...
Suffice to me, from my point of view, but then again everyone is supposed to be diffent ha... I don't know, seems to me that everyones pretty much the same when you come down to it, so this could very well be a universal truth with a percentae of DENIAL involved. Or the other way around. Maybe.
So she goes...when questioned by the Detective on why people get married...
"We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."
Pretty. It is entirely too possible I've blogged about this before, but hey I can slip up now and then (or even all the time, who's to complain huh???) Anyways... I liked this bit and suddenly for some reason watching the movie just now gave me this little sense of comfort during what I would call a really confusing, upsetting and scary period in my life...
What upsets me is still a reality in my life... And I don't know if I'm ever gonna be over the whole scenario but hey, I'ma be okay... I think. I know I seem a lot more okay than I am to the people around me. Hell, I deserve a fuckin oscar.
You don't have to bleed to hurt ha, that's all I gotta say now.