Speech Bubble...

We had a fascinating discussion aka debate today at a friend's place. What is the weaker sex... is female really the deadlier of the species... ?

In the end, we come to the same old conclusion but our personal views didn't really change very much. But there were excellent points made, and it was good dinner time, or rather mid-night snack, conversation.

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It's funny you know, how it's easier for a women to fall in love or rather convince herself that she is in love but it takes a lot more convincing for a man but in long term women move on much, much easier than men. Hmmm well women have a higher pain threshold than men both physically as well as psychologically (don't you dare argue, we give birth don't we?)

It's not anhenun firihenun felun or being money crazed really dho... women do look for a man who can support her especially financially, where men normally seek support because they intend to (atleast initially) make and build a future on their own... applies to the most independant woman, and is best accepted don't you think.

Women complain forever that they have to take care of their men but there is a direct pleasure they derive from being able to leave him satisfied... sexually, emotionally and when it comes to their daily chores as well.

I heard quite a few young married couples complain about not having enough time to spend with each other tonight, and kept thinking how a child would affect their lives.The main thing was like the women keep saying that the guys come home at night only for sex... So as far as babies go, the men claim it'd keep the wife distracted from calling them home every 5 minutes, and the wives say the man wouldn't have time for a child anyway. All in all, I decided I don't want to get married in the next 5 years and as much as I adore kids, I'd delay that till I'm sure the relationship will survive through it...

You know, I think I'd like the guy around when I give birth though, just to see how much of a big deal it is... a natural birth yet... :> pakaaaas, needs to be a brave, brave guy obviously... *rofl* gonna be hard to find...

Dhen alhefahe...the discussion in still going on here, and the talk is about exes... and some don't like their partners to be closer to exes. Trust ge massala ekoa thee is the counter argument to exes aa alun gulhen faseyha vaaney feeling friends aa same eh nuvaaney(balifayeko), and I say not everything is plain and logical in relationships and people have different insecurities, so there is no point of trying to justify every bloody thing.

Why relationships today? Coz I just pretty much circled out of a perfectly good one (possibility wise, nice guy etc) because plainly speaking nice guy wasn't enough... I know I would probably never fall in love with him, I need someone I can speak to and be myself with, on my own terms. It's not totally about him letting me do what I wanna do, be what I wanna be ... I can compromise it's fine... but I need passion to keep the interest flowing you know? Don't wanna end up hurting an innocent dude. I hope everyone else understands though...

It was going too fast, and I stopped myself before jumping into an abyss, only time can tell what happens next with him or anyone else. I am not biased towards a particular person, nor am I looking for any one necessarily... but if I go for a relationship I now, at this point of my life, it will because I am somewhat certain towards the relationship and a potential future.

Just for laughs --->

Passwords A woman was helping her computer-illiterate husband set up his computer, and at the appropriate point in the process, told him that he would now need to choose and enter a password. Something he will use to log on. The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention. So, when the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainly obvious to his wife that he was keying in, "p..e..n..i..s". His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer responded: "Not Long Enough"

Something fascinating a friend sent to me, do take the time to read this ... it's a fascinating perspective. Very George Orwell '1980'/'Animal Farm' sorta thingey...



Anonymous said...

The reason men have a problem moving on is because, in general, men have bigger committment issues. They fear committment. However, when they do decide to go the whole nine yards, they really mean it. Simply put men value their committments more than women because rarely do they commit themselves.....and as with most things.....the level or rarity is direcly proportional to its value.

[Count the number of "commit"s in the text above and win a micro ipod free!!]

Thom said...

aai. nugunun :P

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