KFC is evil. Diet ge halaaku. Mi hafthaa ga melheny hetakah. But I reckon my personal happiness ranks higher than my health (or rather, my dress size) right now.

So, :P to all the meanie calories staring and sneering at me. You hear me? I. Don’t. Care.

Atleast for the moment :):D

I usually detest shopping. But today was nice. I got myself some FIFA fever… b’day presents all ticked off, people better like what they get. Sigh...

If only the sun would shine…

But it is UK, and that is stretching it I suppose.

No more black hair for me. I’m going brown today. That’s the I-lost-count-ages-ago time that I’m dying my hair in 6 months. Let me tell you, brunette or blonde – life still sucks. Hehehe… no one has more fun L Did I ever mention though that I am obsessed with hair? I will refuse to go out unless I like the way it looks…that and my nails…drives me mad… I’m constantly destroying it by wacko experiments…

I say, blue-black hair is nice though… makes me feel… more chic… I saw this dude with electric blue hair in City Center today and he looked pretty damn good… Almost convinced me to chuck away my anti-foreign guy dating policy… (not really a policy…they just don’t seem to attract me)…

Oh, I’m in such a girly mood today….I’ve become girlier since coming to UK I think… oh well, a campus full of women, what do you expect… Tsk… Dad’s hidden agenda…

Hair is a good way of expressing your individuality of course (yes, I am trying to inject a little intelligence into this blog but as you can see I fail miserably…) …Mohawks are cool… or, you could imitate ‘Haamaan’, Ronaldo etc by shaving it all off (or say you shaved it all off… wen its starts falling… ). This latter option is pretty interesting because it’s economical as well, when you’re on your motorcycle, you no longer need headlights….

Ooi I discovered the cutest blog today… http://www.sheldonhickey.com/blog/ it is so cute… and a pretty good idea… I wanna baby!!!!

Ahem… moving on… me have a course to prepare for…

Btw my hair is now brown! Chocolate brown… bronzy… me likes… reminds me of sin… ie. chocolate… oh shit… bad for the diet…

Good excuse; I couldn’t help nicking the choc… the reflection in the mirror just made me crave too much.. :P


Ma said...

not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair
when i refused to eat and go on a diet youcomolained and i dnt knw wrote abt me even notnotnot fair

Thom said...

the difference honey, is that i am fat and you are anorexic. :P nikan kiyaabala weight compare kuran!!!

Ma said...


Thom said...

pfft all u like :P
ive lost weight!i can actually wear a bikini now. hurray!

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