
The following article does not reflect on any terms the actions of myself or anyone I know: be it actions that have been done or will be done or are being done - it is an article based on extensive research and observation on the topic and that only:

This is the state we all aim to reach in life.
No, really.
Aren't we all striving to achieve some sort of happiness?
That makes a state of ecstacy the main goal, correct?
And there is a tiny little pill that can take you right there, like that!
So you'll end up loving the whole world... and everything will be A-Okay. :P
What stops you from popping that pill?
What really?
No health risks have really been proven, long term effects haven't been studied well enough. Of course using a chemical product for long periods of time will fuck you up some way or the other. Just like um... a lot of drugs would...
And no one lives a drug free life these days - medicines are legal no? Alcohol too... (unless you are a very unfortunate Maldivian :P)
So why not?
I mean seriously... who can present a case good enough for why not?
This year my law projects were legalization of marijuana, drugs trafficking, my psychology was frikking drug usage and teenagers, and the evolution of substance abuse....
I have been researching abuse for over an year, making all sorts of thesis's and my arugment was nearly always against... and I honestly can't find a good enough argument against many 'soft' drugs (refer to the netherlands drug policy) like marijuana or ecstacy.
I think it just involves a certain amount of responsibility... just like alcohol does.
Oh fuck that is by far the lamest excuse people dish out. You hate on a race, you blame it on religion, you hate on a person, you justify it by religion, you want to be seen as a better person, you use religion. I don't judge anyone for their beliefs, but it's a pathetic justification to make.
I don't do drugs, my religion tells me why. The fuck man? Maybe your religion is a guide but there is no human who follows rules because they are rules. Everyone acts as is beneficiary to them. It's true. See how devout Imaams preach and still go about screwing everything that has a hole and walks on two legs? All the fucking priests who go about Jesus this and Jesus that and end up luring little boys to bed?? We as a nation elect leaders, and they fuck us in the ass - lol so how capable are we of handling our own individual fates. I say leave it up to the pill, you've lost the battle dude.
I wonder as to whether Angelina Jolie stepping into Africa and smiling is better than giving all those sad people a single pill (and lots of water :P)... I'm sure it costs pretty much the same. :P
'Alexander Shulgin stated that the single best use of MDMA was to facilitate more direct communication between people involved in significant emotional relationships'
How many marriages can that save? And how many broken families would that prevent? How many children would that save? From the pain of divorce and all that goes with it? How many unhappy and fucked up human beings would that help, because failure of human relationships (platonic or romantic) can very easily make or break us.
Maybe Pronoia is the explanation to all this phenomena.
I conclude :
E would make the world a better place.
The governments failed. Religion pretty much failed a lot of people right? (That must be why their actions contradict their so called 'beliefs' dho?) So.. um.. that brings me to... Why not?
Pop it baby... lets trip ;) !


Anonymous said...

Got E? Mail me.

Anonymous said...

i dont think any1 shud use any drug for therapy. drugs that change the way u feel that is.legal or illegal.coz what u say n do n think while on a drug is not what wud com naturally or feel wen ur not on a drug. i feel like i kno u.if i do u probably live in malay

Thom said...

Jaa, got a b c d also lah!

Anony!!! Damn how I love these anonies :P ... y'all should just make up some name... it's confusing. Or maybe I shall label you all those who are determined to disagree with me :)

Anyway, I would like you to read the little disclaimer I placed. You do not know me. Even if you know me, you do not know me! Lots of sarcastic little hugs!

letoh said...

i dont thinks its that bad to use drugs as a therapy.. if it relieves us from our pain and rocks our world whats the problem... the main reason why we use it to overcome or to forget hw we feel naturally... so as long as we arnt over using it..i guess its kewl... its kewl as long as you can control your selves...

Anonymous said...

"No health risks have really been proven, long term effects haven't been studied well enough. Of course using a chemical product for long periods of time will fuck you up some way or the other. Just like um... a lot of drugs would..."
to quote...doesnt these drugs cause a more stronger addiction than maybe panadol...leading to more drastic effects both psychologically and socially...anything can be abused...and if so can we equate everything on the same level.

Thom said...

Might be interesting for you to do further research, MDMA was a clinically approved drug for psychotherapy until very recently... and THC does not have addictive properties, nonetheless they do create psychological dependencies for certain vulnerable individuals. These individuals are equally susceptible to abuse of 'legal' drugs like nicotine and caffiene. Yes, they are dangerous but there is a clear distinction between soft and hard drugs. So basically, I don't really advocate either, not really. I'm just playing up the fact that in reality a responsible adult can actually maintain proper balances between. :/ and abusing legal drugs might even be worse than recreational use of illegal (ahem) soft drugs... Just provoking thought here.
Letoh - yeah ezakutically :)

Iya said...

trippy trippy trip trip
where the honey oil goes drip drip

i wiki'd some stuff and came across their marijuana page... after reading that, anyone would wanna smoke some grass!

Anonymous said...

Yea Lets Trip.. :]

Anonymous said...

if eny1 takes e jus lemme say it is illegally manufactured n so has other stuff in it like speed so wudnt be therapeutic but pure mda n mdma can realy open u up not in a euphoric sense alone but just a peaceful way whrer i think in a CONTROLLED environment it may hav beneficial uses.N i DO kno u ! ha.(even if dont)
:) y thom tho?iraa


y shud we even bother if the drug is safe or not or even legal or not. 2 years in pharmacology gives the right to decide which is good or ppl. the qualification required for a lab techinition in MFDA (maldives food n drug atourity) is 2 years diploma. and with no experience. A general physician gives opinions on a chemical which he just heard. coz he knows it ???? well guess wot, they know a place is not clean coz its garbage and they shut down the place. but how do u know its a safe drug they give permission to sell. MFDA is lacking rules and they dont even have a gud lab to test the things and they claim them selves as MFDA. so drugs and pharmacological drugs are stated good for health. hell they love doing their job. PAID TO CHAT ON MSN.

Thom said...

iraa is your name? i would never listen to what anyone who hasnt ever experimented with a drug has to say about a drug, just like i would never listen to anyone's opinion on say... laptops if they've never seen or used one :P...
LOL again, im not really advocating anything so keep your pants on!
exactly... zingmenot -- sabahey!
viscinity and necro - ;)

Anonymous said...

as you say, there is a fine line between abuse, and responsible use.
legalization would be very beneficiary for the countries as well, it would be more controlled, and it'd mean a lot more money for weapons....er, i mean development programs.

but ofcourse this is impossible in the Maldives. Maldives will never prosper, never will it fully respect human rights, and never will it be a country i'd want to live in.

don't be surprised if the STAR force comes banging on your door after this post.

Anonymous said...

yeah trip on baby.. a trip to hell!
i didnt expect this coming from u..u seem more mature..but i ges i was wrong!

Thom said...

anony no1. it would not be the first time that happened, let me tell you :P
anony no2. lighten up o_0

Anonymous said...

puchuhs puchus..raee !

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