
People have sex for money. For love. For passion. Why not for release?
Some people snort it up for a release.
Some people drink their ass off.
Some people smoke up and get high.
Maybe some people just fuck.
Ever thought about sex that way? As a release of tension?
Because that what it all boils down to, even the freaking climax. It's relaxing tensed muscles. Be it your brain or your dick or whatever.
For some one who are so damn stressed that you can't even chill a bit, it helps you relax, it helps you sleep. It has the very same effect a massage has on us, our muscles can loosen up and we feel refreshed.
Fuck I can't bitch about all the benefits. Refer to link below for further reference.
WARNING: This article will make you feel damned GUILTY if you are not having sex.
I'm just saying... some people might just engage in sexual activity to ease the pain they are currently feeling. To even just help them relax mind/body...and focus better on whatever they are doing. Maybe sex should be just thought of as such...exercise! LOL
I don't know, why bother with love really. You have your friends for support and affection. You have your friends with benefits for your 'other' tension. Sometimes I just wish that was all we needed in life. Then things would just be set, the way they are.
No need to bother with a head hunt for Prince Charming.
*Checks watch like the rabbit in Alice In Wonderland, "You're late, you're late - you're laaaaaate!"


Kaainaath said...

I will say vaginal stretch is a slippary issue... And apart there are lot of bugs that will refuse to defuse...

AS far as sex is concerned it is a double standard


Thom said...

Interesting article. Honestly it's up to you how many people you sleep with male or female, but as far as I am concerned, I hold the same view for a man who has slept with 50 women as well. I mean ewww.... how many diseases have you got again?
Rofl. For the record, the fact that I write about sex openly does not mean that I advocate sex in the sense that I believe in sleeping with many men or being promiscous. I DO NOT ADVOCATE that, furthermore I do not believe in it; but I wouldn't judge someone who does.

Kaainaath said...

hmm... no lie? I am shaking my head here thinking it must be the anti-slut-defense-system talking!


I respect!

Thom said...

are you calling me a slut yusuf?
im expressing my opinion. not defending anything :/ so how can it be an anti what ever the fuck system

Kaainaath said...

i respect!

Thom said...

lol. :)

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