Another Day

I had a cultural show last night to go to, had to model a stupid dhigu-hedhun (uglier version of our national dress). Looked a bit like a drag queen/cross dressing man... felt like it actually coz it is a absolutely totally feminine (RADIATES IT) dress, and I haven't worn anything pretty for longer than I can remember. Am still trying to think of an appropriate total to charge my friend for making me go through all that embarrassing, time consuming, totally wasteful bullshit :P ... hehehe... but no, it was a fun thing - in the end.
But I think that was more of relief than actual enjoyment.
I am in a Prom Committee. What happened to my lovely uncomplicated life of coll to home and back again :( ... I went out of class for less than five minutes and when I come back lo and behold I have become a fucking representative. What a waste of my precious time. I think I should back out. But I get free entrance to the Prom now... but considering I do not have a date, the hell is the point anyway?
I don't even feel like wearing a dress. I mean, I don't feel like I can. This is what happens to a female's morale when she has too many gorgeous friends. *groans*
My friend told me today that I let the little things get to me so much. I know she's right, but some things just bug me more than the rest.
I'm irritable oala.
I got a hot hot hot dress as of a few hours ago. YAY. Now I feel much better about myself. Even a ugly duckling like me would look presentable in that gorgeous thing.
My life is not over yet.


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