Just a letter I feel a lot of people I know would like to send to specific persons...

Dear Person
It would most probably piss you off greatly to be reading this, but since we can never communicate without you screaming about me being a complaining brat,
I'm not Virgin Mary, nor am I some kind of Mother Theresa/Gandhi...whatever. Then again, I don't think it's fair of you to even expect me to be so, since you've clearly had your own share of sinful, spur of the moment some what stupid moments. Or arent you human?
It's unrealistic to assume that just because I'm the female I must be sent from up above. No, I think pretty much as much as you do. Clearly our thought streams are different, we don't even look the same do we? So there is no reason why I should conform to suit you, after all you aren't perfect either are you?
All I've ever demanded from you is simply a little attention, much like you need when you're down or when you need the 'healing touch'. For all the time I spend for you, or with you... is replying to a message simply too much for you to handle? I don't bother you a hundred times a day, I just text to see how things are once a day. I do understand that you are busy and you have your own life to deal with, but when you say you have things to do and you simply laze around with your buddies - now that hurts my feelings. If you have better things to do than just come over and say a hi, or chill somewhere, you should say so. Perhaps then I can stop wasting my time waiting for the call you insisted would happen only to be disappointed.
It would be nice to know where I stand in your life, on clear terms. If I am a booty call, tell me... if you care - tell me. If you think I need to stop bugging you, don't lead me on. Because even if you say this isn't serious and spend too much time on me you're confusing me. If you say this is real and you avoid me, you're fucking with my mind again.
Since you clearly enjoy having fun with your mates, I assume you would not want to deny me the same satisfaction. Do realise that it is possible for me to want to have friends of the opposite sex, and that I might connect with them and feel comfortable sharing things about my life, I don't spell out things and I wouldn't make you look bad or expose private information, so I don't understand why this is such a big problem.
It's cool what you decide are your boundaries, you can party hard if you want to, thats your perogative. However, I have the same rights to chose if I want to. Respect is very important to me and I respect your wants and needs, naturally I hope you allow me my dignity as well. I am under no obligation to indulge in or commend behaviour that I do not find appealing and the same applies to you, so if there can be no aggreements in this department, it is time for goodbyes.
I value honesty as mentioned previously, and you are only human. We are both liable to make our own share of mistakes. Please come clean if you feel guilty or have regrets. Please do not insult my intelligence by denying the obvious. If you truly want top repent (for lack of a better word), let me know... being honest is the first step. Communities tend to be tight small, and coincidences arent uncommon, so do whatever you please but do not do so under the misguided belief that I will never find out.
Simply said I put up with your shit, and you can put up with mine. No one is perfect, and we all have faults. At the end of the day we are human, male and female. Whatever we have, lets just allow each other the honour of respect and honesty. Outside of that, its all up to an ability to compromise. Appreciation comes with that, because no one has to do anything for anyone, nomatter what they do - so when someone goes out of their way to please you, it is just decency to acknowledge that much.
Life's a journey, do you feel like walking beside me? I don't want to be your shadow, and I don't want you to be mine. It doesn't have to be for tomorrow, and it certainly doesn't spell forever. Lets just be witnesses to each others lives, and live for the moment, revel in its beauty and see how far the road stretches before it parts, if it actually does.
Take care,


Thom said...

For the record, this is based on stuff my friends have been saying as well as my own experiences to date, not targetted at anyone :)

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