The Fairer Sex

Now I’m no feminist by any means but even I have to admit that being a woman is not the ball they make it out to be even in the 21st Century…
Why the sudden radical views? To be honest I haven’t actually felt truly, completely and fully like a woman until pretty recently…and I know that that is going to sound extremely strange to a whole lotta peoples but, err…it’s hard to put into words what I mean…
Its one thing to be a girl, flighty, fun, sweet (sickly even) and ‘pretty’… but looking at your reflection (not really on physical terms) and seeing the woman inside you gazing back…is when you realise things have changed… you no longer hold the same perspectives on anything, the words ‘child’ ‘mother’ ‘home’ have a completely new meaning to them, the lost and insecure adolescent inside you has disappeared…
You’re filled with a new passion and drive… your mind has begun to formulate theories, philosophies, and process your experiences into a chamber of knowledge…it’s only just begun but still, it’s started…
Until pfffftttt…poiiiiinnnnnnnn… the kaleidoscope’s begun to get contorted…the whizzing, uplifting buzz in your ear has distorted into the annoying noise that comes out of a broken tape recorder… how’d things get so fucked up?
Ahh… welcome to life… you can get a Uni degree these days, you can work in a office and sleep your way to the top…basically, you can change the exterior of the workforce but the foundation aint shaking… the views of a woman in the brain dept. (i.e. maybe a political party is coming up with it’s manifesto, and the storming has begun) is ignored… never mind if another man comes up with the same theory, you never get the credit. Men hate to admit they are wrong, but what’s worse is apparently admitting that a woman might be right.
An empowered woman is a joke… some people think a mini skirt means modernisation? It’s true that women use sexuality to gain themselves recognition etc in the workforce, but don’t fool yourselves into thinking that that translates into winning the battle of the sexes, because it’s not… the boys get their sugar and candy and you get the pay rise that a man with the same qualifications would have gotten anyway…maybe suck up to the boss and act like his youthful self a bit… several times less an effort than spreading your legs apart to every Tom, Dick and Harry in any case.
History shows us that we lost every chance at power and recognition that we ever got… Don’t you dare start throwing bitches like Margaret Thatcher in my face, that woman is practically a man… and imitating men in behaviour etc doesn’t really impress me.
Show me a real woman in power today, someone who is totally confident of her identity as a woman and is proud of it, who can be respected and is acknowledged as an intellectual… there are very few if at all and there is not a trace of it in Maldives. How can we claim to be a modernising country when all that is developing are the physical aspects of it… sociologically we are as primitive as we were some 50-60 years ago, and it’s not just the role of women.
I want to see the true emancipation of women in Maldives, a real movement ahead where we no longer rely on our cleavage to grab attention, where our intellect is valued and recognised…who is not simply a joke, not a snob, not naïve but a woman who has embraced the beauty of womanhood to the fullest!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

tag/tagSounds like you're gettting old dear. Just kidding. You're right, women shouldn't have to rely on their cleavage to get ahead in life. Most men might not notice, but it's quite degrading for the menfolk as well that things are the way they are... and personally I pity any woman who'd use their looks/butts/mammary glands etc. to get their way.

Don't worry about "batman" mate, the man obviously has problem. (hey I commented! gimme credit when you're online!! :) )

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