Perfect Imperfection

I don’t know what people see when they look at me, but I remember even as a child always wondering what I look like to them. I don’t know what they hear when they listen to me, but I’ve often wished I could hear their thoughts. I’ve wondered what someone felt when they touched me, but I suppose in that department all you can really do is hope for the best.
I’m not sure whether it’s ironically funny or simply tragic that the times in which I have actually glimpsed into these thoughts, images and feelings that I typically end up wishing I could go back to being clueless. Suffice to say it adds to the already mounting evidence at least with respect to my life, indicating that ignorance truly is bliss.
So what does it mean when the people you perceive to know you the best disappoint you, hurt you or worse, leave you? You could argue their faults and the cracks you’ve seen in their souls but simple, pure logic and practicality would point to the one true possibility. That the true flaw lies in you.


Ismail Khilath Rasheed - journalist and blogger from Maldives said...

While it's always useful to analyse ourselves and confront and correct our own mistakes and shortgivings, sometimes the fault lies with the other persons too. Everyone is human after all.

Ma said...

this is hard but i dont want to be with u any more... it not you its just me, i know we had an awesome time and all and i will always cherish the moments we spent together all those nights and days... you are an awesome person...
( all of above said in the most dramatic voice ever)

Thom said...

Hilath: Well said. Hard to always keep that in mind though. :)

Thundho: U fataas! :P What would I do without you! Kekeke

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