You told me so.

Maybe you are right. Maybe I do enjoy suffering. Maybe that is why I always land up in these horrible situations. Maybe I do severe any ties to normalcy.

The world is too complex for someone as stupid as I am. Maybe.

Yeah... I know, I should just give up right? It's not like anyone would give a damn anyway. Looser talk? *Suprise suprise* .... so maybe I am one.

But, I don't need you or anyone else. Maybe I do, fine. Ekamu I don't want anyone.

I really hate waking up every day. Reminds me that I'm still breathing.

Sorry if this pisses anyone off. But yeah. It's life. And by the way, this has nothing to do with 'anyone'. It is all me, and me, and me.

I think, no wait, I know that life sucks. Been sucking since day one. Like certain 'philosophers' have dictated - it's because I deserve it. Because I am a regular sinning bitch like the rest of them. Nothign new.

Sometimes, you find little reasons to keep you going, then after a while like everything good in life, it goes away... or moves out of reach. Then you lapse back into who you really are. What you are actually worth. And let go the illusion of everything more.

Because, beauty and happiness and all these nice things... they are just a dream.


Thom said...

I'm not quoting Nivea coz I'm mad.. what he said just struck me as very true today.

Anonymous said...

Hey, cmoon.. I never said you were stupid dear (except for the times when I did and not mean it.. hehe), and never would I think that you deserve any of the s*** you go through, which is just the reason I do not want you to put yourself in situations, which we both know the result would complicate your life even more.. And beleive me, there is beauty and happiness and all that too and you will find it... :-)

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