Ooh la la!


Oooh la la!
Oui, zere iz no place like ze Paris!
Dropping the hideous accent though, I still maintain my disposition…there is something magical about France and Paris is a city in a class of its own.
This weekend I had the pleasure of going to an E.U. themed conference *snore, snore* in Paris *sit up straight, sleep forgotten* and it was worth it…
My French is awful I discovered, and I could barely order a croissant, nevertheless I stuffed myself with escargots, cuisses de grenouille, moules-frites and crepe. Mmm, stomach rumbles loudly as the memory flashes in my mind.
Walking from the Arch De Triomphe and down Champs Elysées in my mind flashed half a dozen novels I’ve read from Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Chocolat, by Joanne Harris to Perfume by Patrick Süskind and I just couldn’t believe I was actually in Paris. Dream come true…
Delicatessen, Ma Vie en rose, Cyrano de Bergerac are must see French movies by the way. Whilst on the movie topic I have to say Moulin Rouge took my breath away – it’s sexy, it’s classy and it’s a once in a life time experience… Was such a laugh walking down the street to get there…museum of sex, sexodrome? Only in Paris ma cherie, only in Paris!

I have been seduced by France…
Mona Lisa… is beyond description as is the entire Louvre and I shall not even begin on the topic. Just go there some day, and see it for yourself and you will know what I mean…
La Tour Eiffel… *sigh* at sunrise is breathtaking, sunset is gorgeous and sparkling at night is glorious…
Quite depressing not having mon amor around and all but still, it’s the city of the people, the city of love, the city of light. Inspiration everywhere… a world of art and I really wish I could be reborn to the glory days… how very wonderful that must be…ah well autres temps, autres moeurs.
I could go on and on, but I shall stop now and finish writing up these post cards.
Au revoire!


Anonymous said...

wow... i mean, wow.
PARIS, of all places. the wonders of the Northern Old World, eh?
you know, i dunno if its true, but 'sit true that escargot is just a fancy word for snails?
have fun.
au revoire.
(now, if u have a chance to go to Spain, can i actually be really into the full-fling of it). :)

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